gardening tips

Autumn Colours: Tips for Fall Gardening

At Island Pride Garden Co in Wood Islands, we are preparing for Fall.

As the days become cooler it is a great time to garden again now that the summer stress is off. Cooler temperatures and softer ground make it easier on the gardener when plants need less care and it’s more comfortable to work in the garden.

Our Dutch Bulbs have just arrived!

September and October are the perfect months to plant bulbs for spring blooms, such as daffodils, tulips and crocuses.

Bulb size matters—the size of the bulb will determine the size of the flower.

Think about crocuses, which have a small flower, and the tulip bulb or the allium which are large bulbs and thus produce a larger flower. When the bulb is smallish, plant them in clumps for a show of colour. Plant the bulbs 3-4x deeper than the size of the bulb, add bone meal or a similar fertilizer, and wait until Spring for some great early colour. Water once and forget. They will set roots for a great bloom next Spring!

There is an advantage to purchasing now through the 70 Mile Yard Sale weekend (September 16-17) for the best value at Island Pride. We have a great selection for you to view!

Our mums provide great fall colour, perfect for Thanksgiving and through the Fall.

Pick mums with a few buds open and lots of buds that are tight so you will get prolonged colour. They flower best during cool nights, so leave them out even as the nights chill.

Trees, shrubs and perennials that lose their leaves benefit from a fall planting.

Most plants grow their roots during early Spring and Fall weather. Our selection of apple trees is extensive, with many new and heritage varieties not found elsewhere. Pollination is best with more than one apple variety, or by including a crab apple. Dolgo Crabapple is a great pollinator with a beautiful show of white spring blossoms.

Fall colour is not what we think about when planting our garden in the Spring.

If your garden is dull, brighten it up with late-season foliage colour such as Burning bush, Kodiak Diervilla and late blooming Rose of Sharon.

Shrubs to plant at this time of year can include those that have some fruit for the birds through the winter such as native holly. Holly will require a partner to make sure you have berries. Heavy berry with its bright red berries is partial to Mr. Poppins or Jim Dandy as its pollinator.

Maples, mountain ash and other trees and shrubs that lose their leaves provide lovely Fall reds and yellows in your yard. Water plants, shrubs and trees well with a bit of Multimix or compost for a great start.


Finally, consider planting grasses such as Karl Foerster, plume, or Giant silver grass; these offer unique visual appeal during the Fall and Winter. They nod in the breeze and are particularly beautiful with a fresh sprinkle of frost or snow on them.

Enjoy the Fall and add some colour to your yard.

what’s growing?
PEI flowers, soil, seeds, gardening