Early May is still pretty cold in PEI with occasional sunny days, giving us some warmth. If we are putting out annuals, we need to prepare them for some cold nights. One could choose begonias and geraniums which require bringing them out during the day and remember to bring them inside at night. These kinds of plants don’t like cold and will just sit there until that night you forget to bring them in. There are other Choices such cold tolerant plants which you have less to worry about such as listed below give great colour from May 1st thru June, when it then will be warm enough to bring out the petunias and geraniums. Cold tolerant annuals can be planted outside in early spring or late summer to provide bright colors at a time when more tender annuals can’t survive.
There are the calendula, pansy and dianthus, Sweet Pea, osteospermum and sweet alyssum that can tolerate a bit of chill.
- Pansy
- Calendula
- Osteospermum
Calendula, also known as Pot marigold comes in bright orange and yellow. The petals are edible and great to colour up a salad. They seed well and if in the garden will plant themselves.
Pansies and violas, often yellow, blue, violet and burgundy can be used in salads or pasta, give some nice colour for your early planter. The cool wave pansy has a trailing growth as opposed to the upright posture of the other pansies. Pansies like it cool and you will find that as the heat of summer they will prefer less than full sun until fall when the cool weather lets them strut their stuff again.
Dianthus flowers belong to a family of plants which includes carnations and are characterized by the spicy fragrance the blooms emit. Flowers are typically made up of five petals, with a frilled or zigzag edge, in hues of white or red tones that range from pale pink through to deep maroon and may be two-toned.
“The thought of the day is to gather some cold tolerant annuals to colour up your planter, window box or yard to bring spring into your life not to mention your step.”